Youth Health
Mental Health Research
Youth Homelessness and Housing
Intervention Research and Prevention Science
This international research partnership, funded through a Melbourne-Toronto partnership grant, convenes interdisciplinary researchers from Canada and Australia with shared interests in global adolescent health and health inequity. Co-led by Dr. Stephanie Begun (YWL, University of Toronto, Canada) and Dr. Jess Heerde (University of Melbourne, Australia), this project is conducting a global scoping review to answer the question, “What is known about health outcomes among youth experiencing homelessness in a global context?” YWL team members are also key contributors to this review, which further seeks to synthesize differences in youths’ health disparities that may be seen in High-Income Countries (HIC) compared to Low-Middle Income Countries (LMIC).
The health of children and adolescents experiencing homelessness: Protocol for a global scoping review
Heerde, J. A., Begun, S., Kacholia, V., Pearce, L., Ragunathan, A., Sivakumaran, S., Mazhar, R., Woehrle, E., Patton, G., & Sawyer, S. (2024). The health of children and adolescents experiencing homelessness: Protocol for a global scoping review. Open Science Framework. doi: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/9J7DN
Youth participatory research needed to keep time ticking forward
Sawyer, S. M., & Begun, S. (2023). Youth participatory research needed to keep time ticking forward. Journal of Adolescent Health, 73(6), 967-968. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2023.08.039
Conducting research with adolescents experiencing marginalisation and vulnerability
Heerde, J. A., Begun, S., Calais-Ferreira, L., Davies, C., Habito, M., Morrison, K., Pearce, L., Sabet, F., Salazar, A., Bailey, J., & Sawyer, S. (in press). Conducting research with adolescents experiencing marginalisation and vulnerability. In Liamputtong, P. (Ed.), Handbook of Sensitive Research in the Social Sciences. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Homelessness and housing insecurity
Heerde, J. A., Begun, S., Pearce, L., Kacholia, V., Logie, C., Patton, G. C., & Sawyer, S. M. (2023). Homelessness and housing insecurity. In Neblett, E. & Troop-Gordon, W. (Eds), Encyclopedia of Adolescence (2nd Edition). Elsevier.
Digital Storytelling in a Dual Pandemic
This COVID-era arts-based study partnered with StoryCentre Canada for digital storytelling workshops, strengthening youth-adult partnerships and creating community-driven stories. Follow-up research will adapt the model for young people.
The Real TO: An Instagram Live Series
The Real TO was created during the COVID-19 pandemic to connect Black and racialized youth and address their challenges. An Instagram Live Series in 2022 featured youth discussing issues like online learning and young motherhood with community leaders and peers.
Young Parents Project
This project explored the experiences of young mothers with involvement in the child welfare system while they were pregnant or parenting. (We have a lot of papers already out so take out findings coming soon).