Reading Lists
Looking for a good read? Our team put together this list of things that we enjoyed reading. We think each title is sure to give you some feels.
Black Canadian Authors

Frying plantain
by Zalika Reid-Benta
The skin we’re in
by Desmond Cole
Do better: Spiritual activism for fighting and healing from white supremacy
by Rachel Ricketts
Anger queer Somali boy: A complicated memoir
by Mohamed Abdulkarim Ali
Black Authors - Young Adult Fiction

Hurricane Summer
by Asha Bromfield
Charming as a Verb
by Ben Philippe
Love is a Revolution
by Renee Watson
When You Were Everything
by Ashley Woodfolk
Some Other Now
by Sarah Everett
Akata Woman
by Nnedi Okorafor
And We Rise
by Erica Martin
Indigenous Authors

Call me Indian: From the trauma of residential school to becoming the NHL’s first treaty indigenous player
by Fred Sasakmoose
Five little Indians
by Michelle Good
Seven fallen feathers
by Tanya Talaga
In search fo April raintree
by Beatrice Mosionier
From the ashes
by Jesse Thistle
Braiding sweetgress: Indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge, and teachings of plants
by Robin Wall Kimmerer
The inconvenient Indian
by Thomas King
21 things you may not know about the Indian Act
by Bob Joseph
A mind spread out on the ground
by Alicia Elliot
All our relations
by Tanya Talaga
This place: 150 years of retold
by Kateri Akiwezie-Damm
7 generations: A plains Cree saga
by David Alexander Robertson
Indian horse
by Richard Wagamese
LGBTQ+ Authors

Ace: What Asexuality reveals about desire, society and the meaning of sex
by Angela Chen
We have always been here
by Samra Habib
You exist too much
by Zaina Arafat
Juliet takes a breath
by Gabby Rivera
Fun Home: a family tragicomic
by Alison Bechdel
The colour purple
by Alice Walker
Love is an ex-country
by Randa Jarrar
Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe
by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Wow, no thank you
by Samantha Irby